Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week of September 3rd

Well we survived the first week of kindergarten with a small amount of tears and a large amount of smiles. Students learned all about LaSalle II, room 110 and each other last week. This week we will continue to learn routines and procedures (some old some new) as well as learn and practice how to use items in the room. 
Some new things to look out for this week are:
-Bucket filling (the system I use in my room to promote a respectful caring environment)
-Students will get their first journal and we will write in it everyday
-We will begin our fun daily Phonological awareness time (a 10-15 minute time where I use call and response to help students develop phonics skills)
-The "Magic number game" (ask your child about this Wednesday after school)

This is the last week before we start our writing, reading and math curriculum. We will however continue to ingrain routines and procedures throughout the year. 

Please continue to be aware of what is sent home and papers that need to be sent back. Thanks.

Mr. E  

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