Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lucy's winner dinner

May 11-15

We will be reading Hide Clyde this week and reviewing rhyming words. We will also learn to identify the author's purpose.

In writer's workshop this week we will be focusing on the author Eric Carle. We will be learning from his books how we can be better author's.

We will be doing our chapter on measurement this week. Please review your child's math book I sent home Friday and have them finish any unfinished pages. Don't send it back to school. I will also be introducing coins/money.

We will begin our last science unit for the year on animals and their habitats. We will be learning about camouflage as we read Hide Clyde because the main character (Clyde) is a chameleon.

Social Studies
We are continuing to work on social skills and being responsible. We will do the second to last page of our kindergarten project which is "our country".


  • Quinn, Nye'ana, Lilah and Jocelyn will be doing our read aloud times this week. 
  • I need a few more donations for things to put in our classroom store. 
  • We have a field trip on Thursday to see an Eric Carle play. I will be emailingthe chaperones more details by mid-week. 
  • We have our final NWEA test tomorrow on reading. It is in the morning at 8:15 so please have your child to school on time. 
Go Hawks!
Mr. E

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 5-9

We are continuing to work on our fluency and reviewing how to read tough words.

We will continue writer's workshop! I will be trying to get the students to write more and add more detail to their stories.

Combining sets (4 and 3 make 7, 7 is 4 and 3). Composing and decomposing numbers to 20 (12 is 10 and 2, 10 and 2 is 12).

Plant observation, soil, garbage, and comparing animal change to plant change.

Social Studies
Working on getting our kindergarten certificates by: following the rules, being a caring friend, and being responsible.

I need stuff for our classroom store. Any old toys, dollar store, target $1 items I could use. Thanks

Mr. E