Sunday, August 25, 2013

The First Week!

Tomorrow is the first day of school for your little ones and my new little ones. I am excited to get to know all of them and all of you. Just so you are aware, the first couple weeks are always a little bumpy with the children transitioning, the parents transitioning and with me having a lot to do at the beginning of the year. That said, it will settle down into a nice groove by early September and hopefully all routines and procedures will be understood.
The first week in room 110 is a lot of exploring a new environment. The students will learn some of the routines and procedures (a couple a day) that help the class function and eventually they will be doing it without thinking about it. We will go over things like classroom rules, walking in the hallways, washroom, sink, getting their attention, caring for materials and how to do a few easy games/tasks. We start our unit one curriculum the third week of school because these first two weeks are necessary to get these procedures down. Please be patient with email return at the beginning of the year as there is much to do. I will hopefully be able to return emails daily.
I will see your children tomorrow and some of you too. Good night and let's go have a great year!

Mr. E

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