Sunday, October 5, 2014

October 6-10

We are reading a fun book this week called Plaidypus Lost. A little background so you can talk about it with your child. A girl has a stuffed platypus made with plaid and she takes it all over the community and keeps losing it. We will be reviewing parts of a book, author, and illustrator. Students will continue to "brainstorm" and learn how to "make connections". I will also introduce sequencing a story.

Students will draw/write about ideas they get from a book. They will be encouraged to "add more detail" in order to "tell more" about their story. They will share with one another and learn how to respond to stories by using these sentence starters: I learned... and I want to know...

The vowel Ii.

Numbers to 10. Sorting. New math vocabulary words: six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one more, one less, the same number.

Social Studies
Community and community helpers. We are going on a walking field trip Wednesday at 10:15-12:30 and are still looking for chaperones. Please dress your child warm hat day because we will be walking around the community.

Our five senses. Fabrics.

Picture day is Thursday. Please send your money and form with your child this week.

There is a kindergarten report card information meeting tomorrow at 3pm in the school library. We will be going over our new report card for the kindergarten and answering any questions. Please come if at all possible. Hope to see you all there.

Mr. Edwards

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