Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 15-19

This week we are reading Earth Day books and learning how we can help save our planet. This is the culmination of unit 3 as well as an introduction into our last unit "Connecting with your environment". We will be listening, reading and performing Jack Johnson's song from the "Curious George" movie called "The three Rs". Here is a link to the song that you can watch and talk about with your child. Also, I will be asking the students to bring in a recyclable item at some point this week to do something with. If we have time, I would like to have the students write and perform their own plays this week instead of being assigned one.

Week two of poetry. The students are loving poetry and this week we will be learning about adjectives that describe how animals move and look. They will write their own poems about animals. They will also be writing a paragraph about how they can help save the earth.

We are finishing up our chapter on comparing numbers. Students were introduced last week to the less than <, greater than > and equal to = signs.

Should be a fun week in room 110!

Mr. E

Reminder: Report card pick-up is on Wednesday. Sarah has emailed out a schedule to sign-up for a time and I think it is on the blog as well. See you all Thursday.

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