Hello parents and guardians,
This week is jammed packed full of great stuff in room 110. We have learned the rules most routines and procedures so this week we will start with our Unit 1 entitled "Connecting with Ourselves". Within this unit are three themes we will be focusing on. This week we will start the theme "From Me to We". This theme is designed to learn how each student is individual but that we all come together to form our own community. Here are some specifics of what we are learning about this week. FYI, your child may or may not bring home papers or worksheets displaying some of this weeks material. However, this blog is to inform you what your child is learning at school so you can continue the learning at home.
Our book of the week is The Little School Bus. It is a fictional, rhyming book about animals that take the school bus to school. I will be introducing "character" to the students as well as focusing on the features of text and reading (left to right, top to bottom, spaces between words, title, author, and illustrator, etc.). Students will continue to read to themselves for five plus minutes each day.
All about letters Mm and Tt. Students will learn the name of the letters, sounds, and words that start with the sound. We will also discuss rhyming.
Students will be introduced to how our writing community works. They will all get journals this week and have 10-15 minutes of writing and sharing time.
Social Studies
We are starting our social emotional curriculum with the counselor Miss Sapieka on Tuesday!
Introduction to the five senses and Apples!
All about numbers 1-3. Finding matches. Same and not the same (different). Students will learn to work with a math partner.
P.S. I will be attending professional developments with some colleagues this year and will be absent from the class. Mrs. Blackwell will be the sub each time so the students are in good hands. This Friday I will be out so please give your child a heads up and go over expectations for the day. Thanks.
Mr. E
When are the students' library books supposed to come back to school?