Monday, November 26, 2012

This week

Your child should have brought home a paper today explaining the book we are reading this week. Please ask them about it. We are reading Animal Homes. It is a non-fiction book all about different animal homes. It is kicking off our new unit. We are focusing on animal homes for a few weeks and then after winter break we will dive into human homes with a fun mini-unit. I will be assessing the students on setting and character tomorrow.

We are writing about things that interest us and at the end of the week the students will be introduced to a story web.

We are composing and decomposing numbers. (I apologize for spelling this wrong on the worksheet) This is a fun and important chapter! I am also sending home the chapter three packet tomorrow. We just finished chapter three and the packet is a great review. Have your child do it at their leisure. Don't return it please.

Animal homes!

Wish list:

We need more paper towel. Although students are starting to only use one paper towel at a time, 28 students go through paper towels pretty fast. A stock up before winter break would be great. We could also use some more disinfectant wipes. As the cold season hits we will continue to keep the classroom as germ free as possible. 
Here are a few other classroom wants not needs:
Mr. E

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr. E,
    Imaan did not bring home the paper about the book!
