Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Progress reports and more

So, the progress reports are done and will be sent home tomorrow. This marks the half way mark of quarter number one. Here is some stuff you should know about the progress reports.

1) They are pink! Can't miss it.

2) The letters/grades on the progress report are based on where your child should be AT THE END OF KINDERGARTEN not at the end of the quarter or currently. (Example: Students doing well and right on track in math will have a N (not yet developed) for a grade. This means they are not YET at a "end of kindergarten" level. However, if they keep learning with the curriculum, they should be a W by the end of the year.) Please comment if confused by this.

3) The letters are your students progress. We are only 25 days into school so please don't look so much into the letter/grade but instead focus on my comments.

4) An N/P or P/W means "somewhere in between".

5) You will see a P for a homework grade. I apologize for not asking for homework binders earlier so I could give a more accurate grade. Before next progress reports, I will ask for your student to bring in their homework binder so that I can check it. Keep up the good work on homework!

6) Return the progress report signed please.

As for other things...

Sight words should be MEMORIZED. This is why they are sight words, they can't be sounded out but they need to be known by memory. (flashcards are a great way to do it and can be used for fun games)

Your child's monthly reading log (on the back of binder) should be turned in at the end of each month with at least 20 books read or read to them) They will receive a prize!

We started a process in our classroom this week called "bucket filling". It is a fun way for students to learn/practice kindness towards others. They each have a "bucket" in the room and when they "fill someone's bucket" (do something kind that makes someone else feel good) they are rewarded with me filling their real bucket. When they get to ten they get a prize. Have them explain it, it will make more sense. Here is a website about it http://www.bucketfillers101.com/have-you-filled-a-bucket-today.php. Also, I have heard of a couple students that have taken this idea and started bucket filling in their home. Awesome idea! Anything you can do to help your child "make connections" is great. Learning is all about "making connections"!

Signing off for the night. Go be a bucket filler!

Mr. E


  1. Mr Edwards,

    On the subject of homework, we just had a discussion with the JCC folks about this. We had noticed that the homework was a bit tough to track as Beno had been drawing/coloring in the notebook he was doing homework in during JCC, after he had completed his assignements, so it was kind of challenging to find the assignements, tho it appears as though he had indeed done them. Anyways we'll work on that in the future so its easier for you to review...

    Apologies for any inconvenience!



  2. Mr Edwards, we didn't receive a progress report...did they go out? If so perhaps it fell out of Beno's bag?
