Here is what we are up to this week in room 110.
Reading: We are reading the book
Plaidypus Lost. It is a story about a stuffed platypus that is sewed together with plaid fabric that keeps getting lost throughout the story. We will be focusing on reading with purpose (Why are we reading this book?) and understanding. The purpose is to get your child to start thinking about their thinking (meta cognition). I want them to not just know answers to things but know how and why. So please ask these questions at home when reading or doing homework.
Writing: This week we will focus on sharing with a partner. Students will be given writing partners that they will share with over the next few weeks. They will be asked to think of ideas with their new partners and share their writings/ideas with partners. Learning to share in partners is apart of our overall classroom community building. The students will also be receiving new journals that will be kept at school and be their free writing journals. They will be encouraged to be creative and write/draw whatever they want in these journals. This week I will also be introducing how students should correctly use lined writing paper. Just so you can be on board and know the vocabulary I use when teaching this, I use the idea of a man standing on the line. The top solid line is the man's "head", the middle dotted line is the man's "belly", and the bottom line is the man's "feet". Ask your child about it on Thursday for an explanation if confusing.
Math: In math we will continue to review numbers up to ten. We will also continue to play the "magic number game". Ask your child how to play. It is a big hit. We are going to have fun with patterns too!
Social Studies: We are continuing to work on being a classroom community and how to be "caring friends" to one another. I will be introducing a new "behavior system" and we will not be doing the kindness hearts anymore. The new "system" is not really a system but more of an idea. Students will learn about "Filling theirs and others buckets". The idea is that we all have a bucket and our bucket can be filled by others or ourselves through kind acts we do or or have done to us. They will also learn that you can take from others bucket when you are unkind to others. Also, we will still be talking about community helpers.
Science: We will be studying fabrics and talking about our senses. We will, hopefully, get to do a fun pumpkin activity too.
There is a look at the week.
Wish List:
-paper towels (I know the year just started, but when the students realized they could use the washroom whenever they needed to, we went through a roll a day. The amazement of using the washroom has slowly dwindled and so too should our paper towel use.)
-magnetic letter (the colorful fridge ones)
-books (listening books, TAG books, any good/fun books that students will like, non-fiction books)
Sorry so long, thanks for making it through.
Mr. E